Obtaining background information influences my opinion on the essay because prior I believed that the Effective Altruists believed in actually doing good deeds, while now I believe they primarily believe in giving donations.
When I reread and re-annotated the text I noticed, that this idea of the Effective Altruists believing in donations rather than doing charitable acts was true. Although this is true, Effective Altruists still believe that one should either give donations or work for the cause. Before I believed that Effective Altruists thought one should work in a hospital, as a lawyer, or a teacher. I thought this because when I read the text the first time I believed that the meaning was working to benefit others, I now know this is not true. That Effective Altruists believe someone should have a high paying job, and donate ten percent of their income or that they should work directly with the cause that they would like to support. The first time reading the text I agreed with the Effective Altruists, now not so much. I do not agree that the only way one can promote well being, happiness, or change in the world is solely through donations and working for a charity. I do believe these actions significantly improve the well being of others, but I believe that other professions help the well being of others as well. I do not believe on should give up their happiness in order to help others obtain their happiness. Rereading the text opened up my eyes, as well as my mind, to better grasp the information given. The act of rereading this text helped me better understand the Effective Altruists, and their message. At first I was a believer of this movement, but the act of rereading this text makes me think otherwise.