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Blog #3

Benjamin Zander a composer for classical music, deeply believes classical music is for everyone. He believes that everyone can learn something from classical music, even if what they learn is how to deal with their emotions. For example, Zander explains that a kid who was from the streets had not cried for his elder brother who was shot a year prior until he heard a piece of  classical music. One thing Zander has learned through his experiences as a composer was that if his performers and his audience are not deeply invested in what he makes, then he needs to reevaluate what he is composing. He has learned that if people are not intrigued, he is not doing his job correctly.

Southan believes that although art may not contribute much to others, it contributes greatly to oneself. That even though art may not end world hunger, that the pride and happiness art can give to the artist is at the end of the day worth it. That art should be valued not for the opinions of others, but by one’s own value. Southan believes an artist makes art for themselves not for others.

Through brainstorming I had discovered that although both artists beliefs differ in the fact of who art is made for, that both artists agree that art is for everyone. Both artists agree that art is intended for everyone’s happiness. Even though they differ in the belief of who the audience is.
