In the peer review there were three categories which needed to be addressed in our annotations. These three categories are ideas, evidence, and organization. The first category, ideas, included the writer’s thesis. One annotation I made which correlates to this category was, “strong thesis”. The second category, evidence, was to support one’s claim. One comment which I made which deals with this category was, “provide examples”. I made this comment because the claim one had made was not strongly supported in which it lacked evidence or credibility. The final category, organization, dealt with the flow of the essay. One comment I had made which correlates to this category was to, “switch paragraph five and six”. I suggested this because I felt as though paragraph five provided evidence that paragraph six had lacked, and would make the essay stronger as a whole if the two were switched in order.
In this peer review the class was told to focus on global edits rather than local edits, which meant we were told to look at the bigger picture rather than editing grammatical mistakes. At first this prioritization felt unnatural. Looking at the bigger picture, rather than fixing comma splices or spelling mistakes was something which I needed to get used to. As time progressed, the ability to focus in on what the author wanted to convey came more naturally, and I became more comfortable with making global edits.