This team project encouraged us all to hold ourselves in an accountable manner which can be transferred into future scenarios that require collaboration. When it came to the project, communication was of high importance. This was learned due to a mishap that was a result of a lack of communication. This lack of communication was a turning point. As our collaboration as a whole led us to work as a more unified group. Along with communication, we sought feedback in any way possible to continuously improve. In the clinical setting, this could be replaced by continuously researching the best methods available via evidence-based research. In my personal opinion, the best worker is open to constructive criticism, always strives for improvement, and communicates well as a team. I strive to be that individual, through many various jobs I have obtained leadership roles potentially due to these characteristics which I hope to obtain. That being said, this project eventually required multiple leaders to ensure the work was thorough and complete. That our work incorporated all feedback, everyone was held accountable, and that everyone shared equal parts of the project. This had truly tested each and every one of us, to our utmost capabilities however, in the end, I believe we produced the best work to our ability.