When deciding upon a topic of importance to focus upon our group decided hospital-acquired infections were a priority in this healthcare facility. Luckily we did not have to revise any literature or topic. In regard to the proposal, not much revision was required rather grammatical changes as well as focusing upon one intervention rather than multiple. Initially, the group wanted to hold both an educational session as well as compose posters for display around the unit. However, ultimately we decided to only compose and display posters due to time constraints.
One study directly correlated compliance to infection control practice with knowledge, attitudes, and overall perception of infection control. Thus from here, we can infer that educating health care providers, and administering tools/”tips” would, in turn, increase compliance within the unit. Another study focused upon sanitization of patient rooms and the rate of hospital-acquired C.diff. When rooms have always been sanitized the rates of C.diff were decreased compared to rooms that were sometimes or never sanitized. Thus, from this, we can infer that sanitization of patient rooms and equipment is an essential part of infection control and thus, should be of high importance. Meanwhile, hospital-acquired infections are still prevalent as a result there are protocols in place such as Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Bundle (VAP), and Central Line Bloodstream Infections Bundle. These bundles are put in place to help decrease the risk of the development of these infections in susceptible patients.
As a team, we were able to work together to one identify a topic of interest that we believed was of high importance to the unit. Collaborated as a whole to achieve goals, and meet deadlines. Individuals in the team were able to identify which areas were best suited to meet their skill sets and thus, work upon and exemplify their skills. Luckily, no challenges had arisen and we were able to work as a collective whole to meet the expected outcomes.