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Preparation for Licensure (ATI Pharmacology CAT)

            After completing this ATI Adaptive Quiz (CAT) for pharmacology I have now realized that 1 minute and 20 seconds is much longer than I had originally thought. On average I spent 33 seconds per question. I have this notion that if I spend too long on a question, I will overthink the question, and thus, I must answer the question as quickly as possible. However, what I am realizing is due to this notion I do not spend adequate time reading keywords and all of the answers.  In contrast to the previous CAT, I had taken this CAT in a quiet environment in which I would not be disturbed. In regard to my SMART goal which I had composed for post-graduation, I hope to carry everything I learn from these CAT exams to apply to my study habits in the future.

            I continue to be able to narrow the options to two answers, or I make careless mistakes and recognize why the answer is the correct answer. I believe with allowing myself the adequate time I will be able to achieve a higher score. Although I am under one minute and 20 seconds, I should allow myself more time to fully understand what is being asked of me. My hope is that I will be able to continue to grow and learn about myself and my test-taking strategies to improve with each CAT. For this next CAT I will be sure to allot myself more time for each question, and from there learn in what other ways I can improve in order to apply this into the future while preparing for the NCLEX.
