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Preparation For Licensure (Care of Children CAT)

    After completing this ATI Adaptive Quiz (CAT) for Care of Children I recognize the need to answer questions at a much slower rate. I feel as though if I take more time I will be able to recognize keywords and answer more questions correctly than I have been. I continue to have this notion that if I spend too long on a question, I will overthink the question. However, in reality, this is what is hindering me. Although I continue to find a time in which I have a quiet environment, it is not uncommon for me to be interrupted. Thus, I will devote an area or time in which I know I will not be interrupted when I take this following CAT. In regard to my SMART goal which I had composed for post-graduation, I believe I am learning valuable information from these CATs which I will take forward into my future study habits.

           I hope that by allowing myself adequate time I will achieve a higher score on this following CAT. As well as finding a time in which I will not be disturbed and the environment will be quiet I will be able to devote my full attention to this quiz. I will take this knowledge with me into the future quiz and into the preparation for the NCLEX in hopes to gain more insight on how in other ways might I improve. How often do I switch answers? In this last CAT, I can recall twice, and these both resulted in me selecting the incorrect answer.
