Throughout this course, we have gained a vast amount of information pertaining to the geriatric population. For instance, the importance of medication reconciliation within this population. Understanding the importance of assessing the medications in which they are prescribed, the actual medication regimen at home, how these medications interact, and if these medications are on the BEERS criteria. Another reason why this is essential is due to the risk an older adult has for a “prescription cascade”. For instance, a patient takes metoprolol and develops bradycardia, so the provider recommends the patient receives a prescription. Older adults are more susceptible to adverse effects, due to the slowing of metabolism which is the result of the decline in hepatic and renal dysfunction.
There is a concept which we all recognize that life is not permanent and at some point, all of our times will come. Granted we all hope for a peaceful passing however, nurses can recommend services/interventions to provide dependent on field and specialty. For instance, to prevent caregiver strain, the nurse may recommend respite care thus, allowing the caregiver time to complete tasks, etc while the patient receives the care that is needed. The nurse also may recommend hospice care for the patient in order for the patient who may live up to six months, but no longer, maintain the quality of life which they require.
Encompassing the end of life, the nurse may notice that a patient is practicing their religion more so than prior. The nurse may be asked to partake in their practice, ultimately the nurse must recognize their presence is more crucial than anything else. Thus, ensuring the patient has the capability to practice their religion, the resources required, and the time in which to practice. Dependent upon the patient’s religion different interventions may be beneficial ie. facing the patient’s bed towards Mecca for the Islamic faith or gaining permission from a patient for a priest to visit for Catholicism. During this time, and after the patient’s passing, there is high importance on the display of compassion provided by the nurse throughout the aggrievement process. To assist in the capacity in which they can provide, and seek assistance from others in order to provide quality care when the nurse feels as though they cannot do so.